Monday, October 12, 2009

Fly, flew, flow and flu

As I was preparing to go to work this morning I got a phone call from a colleague mentioning that he was feeling pretty sick and he was taking the day off.

That did not worry me; until confirmation is provided I do not believe the flu will get me (crossing my fingers and knocking on wood; ouch!!); even if last Thursday I was in a car for 4 hours (travelling) with this colleague.

Then, a person whom we had lunch with last Thursday called me too; he is sick, he is at home, he is not going to work, he has the same symptoms!!!!!!!!

After starting to worry slightly (yeah right!) I decided to wait. I am not feeling sick (physically I mean, but you know that!); they both called back, in one case they already diagnosed a bacterial infection (strep throat?) and in the other is stress related (low body defenses making a cold seems like the flu). Phewwww...

Another flyaway scape from the sickness.

See you around.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Fall is here

After hitting temperatures over 100 ºF in September we are here in October with temperatures hovering in the high 60s, which means that people is starting to get sick; and once they get sick they start to panic with the "swine flu"...

Since I have not known of anybody getting sick with this flu I feel like people is just overreacting; I hope I am not mistaken; let's see.

Damn, it is difficult to write when time passes and just start forgetting what I was planning to write; anyhoo, I will try to keep practicing.

Until next time.