Last Friday night we had visitors at home. They brought some snacks and we provided the drinks: beer, tequila, vodka, scotch and Coc@ Cola Light (Diet Coke).
Last time we met with them we stayed in a restaurant for almost 5 hours, way past the closing time of the place. This time, however we were meeting at our home, then there was no time limit. We ended up talking and laughing our way until 2 am, 7 hours this time.
Nobody noticed the time, it was until will started getting asleep (I had already went through that phase around 11:30 pm but recover) that he and maria decided to call it a night (they had to drive).
We talked about the holidays, our vacation, their adventure, families, youthful risk-taking, the jobs and rewards you get with them (sometimes) and every other theme available for conversation. We keep had a great time, similar to the previous time we met, and (hopefully) a preview of the next time we meet. I do not know how to end this post, in a similar fashion that we did not want the night to end last Friday.
See you around.
Places to Visit
4 weeks ago
'twas an excellent evening! Thank you very much. We both enjoyed it tremendously!
Sorry for my delay in answering.
Yes!! It was great!!
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