For no reason whatsoever, everybody at my job feel sick. From stomachache, headache, dizziness, etc. I just feel tired. Still.
We had visitors today. They came from Buffalo, NY. We were complaining about the weather and on of them started laughing at us. Of course, from where he is from it is COLD (not to say freaking COLD) up there. He also did not have lunch with us. Did not want to eat or drink anything we had for them. The other guy did. This is the second time that I find an American not wanting to drink water (even bottled water from US!!) in Mexico; the other guy (on my previous job) brought 5 gallons of water with him, so he could drink during the whole week he stayed in Mexico.
For lunch we brought tacos from “Asadero Yaqui”; a place similar to “Asadero Sonora”. They use SuK@rne meat and hand made tortillas. Add some carrots and red onions in vinegar, guacamole and salsa and you will have some of the best tacos in Tijuana (but it is debatable; everybody have their own opinion about tacos). I actually rate them in second place; the reason is that I love “Tacos Poblanitos” (the one in front of Morelos Park, be careful because there are maybe around 2459 Tacos Poblanitos in TJ). And the guy did not eat any of them. His loss.
Today I am expecting to hear from my brother-in-law regarding the car that they find after two years stolen. It has been a month since I started pursuing the recovery of the car, and seems like finally we will get it back. Originally they said the car was there; then they could not find it; then offered to swap for another car (without papers, very suspicious!) and finally the car was found and is in the repair shop (on their dime!) before returning it to us. They mentioned the car will be ready today; I am thinking more of Saturday or next week. In any case, the car will be ours again. I am thinking of selling it right away; let’s wait to see what happens.
The day started strange; my wife complained about me not helping her with the breakfast this morning. Funny, because the breakfast is my responsibility; it is something I enjoy doing. It brings memories of my father giving us breakfast and then taking us to the bus stop at 6:00am when I was attending Jr. High School; that some of the things I usually do not remember of my father, because I remember better that he arrived home at 8:00 pm to sit in front of the TV and he was not to be bothered; but I appreciate now the time he put on the breakfast and the ride (1 Km away from the bus stop, it saved us 10 to 15 minutes every morning!).
So, my wife complains because I did not help. Actually is the other way around; I forgot to THANK HER for her help. I want to make a point of this, because breakfast is MY deal. Thank you Bonita (when you read this).
It has been a long day; I am about to go home. I may post something else later.
See you around.
Places to Visit
4 weeks ago
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