June 15th is an important date. Flor’s birthday; Salvaje’s birthday; Father’s Day (this year) and it is the anniversary of my graduation from college.
I finished college 18 years ago. Those were really good times for me, I though it was going to be really difficult to feel like that again. Curiously enough, yesterday I was feeling like never before. For some reason I started reading some of Discworld novels again. There is one that the first time I read, did not really liked enough to warrant a second look; but now, for no reason it was calling me. It is “Small Gods”.
The main character is a novice in the church of Om; his name is Brutha. He found himself in the interesting position of being the only one that can hear Om; because people have forgotten about him, Om can only take the shape of a small tortoise. The story is full of irony, satire and all the fun Terry Pratchett pours into his novels. But there was something really surprising for me, since I did not see it the first time. This novel is full of compassion. The hard complete compassion that is required for people lacking… anything. And in this book there are many of those. Especially Bruthat’s antagonist, Vorbis.
Anyway, I read it and reread it several times, trying to get the most of the message written on it and finally I could not read it more. I would start crying when reading. Even now when writing this I feel the need to cry.
This is extremely unusual; not that a book makes me cry (Porthos dying in the last part of “The viscount of Braggalonne” made and makes me cry) but that just by remembering it I want to keep crying… I had to close my office door now.
I tried to tell the story to Bonita yesterday, and started crying, she was surprised, but let it happen (which was really good). I felt so alive… and after that really enjoyed the rest of the afternoon.
Family from both sides visited and stayed for "carne asada" (barbeque); we had some beers (Pacifico, because of the weather) and I got a little tipsy. My wife was bothered by it a little bit, but I think it was OK. We started watching “The Godfather”, but it was late and went to bed.
This morning everything looks great; good weather; Vicky, Mediana and Pinka woke up early and got ready on time for work and school. Bonita and me slept a little more than usual, but got out of the house in time. Good start of a beautiful day.
I got into a discussion with somebody from work on Friday, but he called me just now to patch up things and propose a solution for a problem we have (which is what I wanted since Friday, so I got it!)
Things are moving; and if they are moving we can then steer them. I know this is just a beginning (of many that exist) and we will hit some lows, but with the right attitude everything improves.
See you around.
Places to Visit
4 weeks ago
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