I just want to say good night to all of you.
I may not post anything until Sunday afternoon or Monday afternoon.
Just reporting my mother is visiting this weekend, to attend my niece Patita's presentation in church (catholic tradition for children three years old).
We've just arrived from San Ysidro, bought a lot of clothes and some trinkets (a tea infuser for my wife).
We have no kitchen, they are rebuilding it after 10 years of use and abuse.
My wife did not like the new faucet I got for the kitchen, so we need to buy another one (I do not know when).
We had dinner at Pamp@s and enjoy it a lot; even my wife who is not eating beef at this time (she is in a "vegetarian" phase).
Because of a hoax email chain (* I think) Vicky has decided not to go out this weekend; she is only visiting friends living 5 minutes from here. We agreed.
I'm tired. I'm tired, I have to thank the spelling check, but even then is difficult to understand and autocorrect "anthpoer" (I still do not know how I type that).
See you later.
(*) In the email, there is a warning to people going out from June 5th to June 7th to avoid some places, since there is a group of "Zetas" (military type group in the payroll of the Gulf Cartel) that vowed to kill people attending some areas of Tijuana. In any case I will wait until tomorrow to say everything is safe.
Places to Visit
4 weeks ago
good night.
and good luck.
viva Romania (currently nil-nil w/France).
also...are you still watching My Own Private Idaho?
long movie, no?
i didn't dig it.
come to think of it, i don't see what the big fuss is about Gus Van Sant, really.
i was bored to death with Elephant, and the only reason I like Good Will Hunting is the writing.
And it ended like that!
Well... my wife did not like it since the beginning so I had to watch it by myself, I could not at the house, finally I took it to my job (I work in an office) to watch it when I had the opportunity (my wife does that all the time when she gets bored at work!) but I hadn't finished.
The reason to watch it is not for Van Sandt, I was interrupted 14 years ago (the first time I went out the theater) and could not finish it. Now I can not finish it for different reasons.
Elephant is SLOOOOOWWWW! and Good Will Hunting story makes the movie. I did not watch Psycho (but heard is not great) neither Drugstore Cowboy. I almost never pay attention to the directors; (except for some of the ones that for some reasons I got to appreciate more) I like Greenaway, Kubrick, Pasolini, Scorcese (in After Hours and Raging Bull), and of course the Mexicans Del Toro and Iñarritu.
wow, i love your director choices. for me Scorsese works in: Mean Streets, Taxi Driver, Raging Bull, The King of Comedy, After Hours, Kundun, Goodfellas, Casino, and The Aviator. Not so much in: Alice Doesn't Live Here Anymore, Gangs of New York, Color of Money, Cape Fear, Bringing Out the Dead, and The Departed. I'm happy they gave him the Oscar, finally. It was about 20 yrs. overdue.
I'm a huge Kubrick fan, except Eyes Wide Shut. Pity he had to go out on that one. I did my big analytical paper in film school on Kubrick's 2001, Clockwork Orange, and Full Metal Jacket. Love him. I just do.
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