Thursday, July 31, 2008
In San Juan de los Lagos
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Monday, July 28, 2008
After venting...
(Of course now there is the issue of making it up to Bonita, any restaurant suggestion? Anyone?)
This is much more crowded than I remember it...
Right now I've been labeled a cheapo, which I am (most of times); in my defense I did not fill the registration card, it was done when I noticed.
I have very fond memories of my vacations with my parents in here (Mazatlan in this hotel) where we usually spent the last night of our vacations, before arriving home. However, the place is not great; for Bonita's taste, is too much middle class (which it is) and we could've stayed in a better place (also true). But (big butt here) I had accepted to stay in other place, and it was until we call from the road to know there were no rooms in that hotel that Bonita said it was OK to come here. Now is not.
I'm upset, and I'm being childish enough to post this here before finishing the discussion, but if I say something is OK, I deal with the results, I do not make a big fuss about it (I might try to laugh about it without success, but I usually do not complain). Basically I'm not a cry-baby (there, I've said it!!)
See you around (if I survive! If you do not hear again from me, please call the police!)
Mr. Pulgas takes a tour of Memory Lane...
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Everything is OK now
Are we there yet?
(Copito, TeddyYaki and Pipiolo with Mr. Pulgas)
Fortunately/unfortunately, “Mexicali” lives in the western side of the city, just 5 minutes away from road that goes to Tijuana, but we were going in the other direction, so it takes 30 minutes to cross Mexicali and exit towards San Luis Rio Colorado (East), add a shooting that just happened in a Chinese restaurant and we left Mexicali around 1:00 pm.; 650 Km to drive from there to Hermosillo; meant we were going to arrive to Hermosillo really late. But leaving the hellish temperatures from Mexicali was a plus…
You read already we had Japanese food in San Luis Rio Colorado (what’s wrong with this thing?) and after that we drove towards Sonoyta (border town where the Mexican customs are located, if you are traveling from the border into Mexico you have to stop after 20~25 Km to meet customs requirements); when we arrived to Sonoyta we started remembering the last time we went there was on our way to Puerto Peñasco (a beach place in the Gulf of Cortez, Sonora side) and we hesitated for a moment.
Also, one other time, coming back from Sinaloa we stopped at this place. The worst tacos in history; we ordered one each to try and we could not eat them.One of the straps fell down (it was correctly installed, but slipped towards the back of the car, no problem I just relocated it!) and we stopped to fix it. We took advantage to take a couple of pictures of Mr. Pulgas which also created a new fixture to the blog (see side bar).
Finally, landscape started changing and we moved from the Baja California Desert (Reserva del Pinacate) to the Altar Desert.
We stopped at Caborca for a late lunch. And finally started speeding (I started feeling confident that the luggage shell was not going to open) and finally arrived at Hermosillo at 9:30 pm
We are staying at Miri’s house (Bonita’s cousin); and we met Kusai (see picture here; there was an unfortunate accident with TeddyYaki, but he will recover). Today we have a “carne asada” and then we will decide if we continue South or we wait until tomorrow.
See you around.
(*) The title of the post is a "heads up" of what is going to happen with the kids. Pinka started already complaining that she needs to eat every hour and Mediana and her argue all the time; I started thinking this trip might not have been such a great idea! But I know we will cope with that.
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Are we crazy?
Sorry for the advertisement you are getting with the mobile blog. I will eliminate it as soon as I can.
I’m only happy when it rains….
OK, we took off Tijuana at 4:00 p.m. going to Mexicali. The car was fully loaded and we were merrily in our way. I was trying to drive slower than normal (110-120 Km/h [70~75 Mph] when normal is 130~140 KM/h à 80~90 Mph) because we are not in a rush.
We stopped at La Rumorosa; to appreciate the view (some pictures here) and drove down to the Laguna Salada plain. I was passing a semi, when… (big dramatic pause here for effect) …Mediana said, “what is that noise?” I heard something strange and saw something flying back in the rear view mirror.
The freaking luggage carrier got open!!! I had loaded 4 luggage pieces (ours) and later my brother Nolo wanted to send some things to my sister and brother living in Sinaloa (for their kids) and I put them there. Seems like the carrier was a little overloaded and with the combination of wind, speed and load worked together to break it open. We lost the things my brother sent; my bag flew but it was unharmed.
Bonita freaked out!! Fortunately there were no weapons in the car so I am still alive. She wanted to go back to TJ immediately and start looking for planes to go somewhere else; Mediana and Pinka started to cry because after they were convinced by their parents to go on this trip. I finally calmed down everybody, close the thing and started driving to Mexicali at 80 Km/h (50 Mph). Got there and then our cousin Mexicali, gave Bonita a tequila (for the excitement, you know?). We talked, she vented, we did not agree to anything yet. I went out to buy some straps to close down better the thing and then decide what to do. I will keep you posted.
On a side note, “Mexicali” invited me to the Cucapa Brewery.

I went to bed at 1:00 a.m. and I am now waiting to see if we take off for Hermosillo or back to Tijuana; I will let you know.
See you around.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
I was going to the movies…
Surprisingly enough, there were no “super” villains on this movie. Which makes it really interesting. In any superhero movie I’ve ever seen, there is someone with the skills or powers to counteract the superhero’s abilities. Not here. You can focus then, in what is going on with the person. Hancock is an alcoholic, irate, selfish person. With superpowers. Can fly, do not age, bullets cannot pierce his skin, etc; think of Superman. But then he is lonely. Until he saves a guy who wants to change the world and as a side project starts by trying to change Hancock. I will say no more of the story; but to me it was the best part of the movie.
The acting, direction, effects and everything else took a backseat to the story for me. I think Charlize Theron and Jason Bateman were good enough to carry their parts, and Will Smith was acceptable; he was believable, but something was missing.
Overall score: 7
“HB 2: The Golden Army”
This is a “love-it or hate-it” movie. I have to tell you that I love Guillermo del Toro as a director; I went to see “Cronos” in Guadalajara when he was starting his career and then followed him through “Mimic”, “Blade 2”, “El Espinazo del Diablo”, “HellBoy” and “El Laberinto del Fauno”. It had been one of my complains that he does not seem to work much directing (I know he has participated producing a lot more movies; but…).
Anyway; compared to HB 1, this movie lacks the fast pace and the “true” villain (Rasputin that time). However (as “Hancock” did) this allow you to pay more attention to the character and what he really thinks and the way he acts. Remember that HB is 60 years old, but mentally is like a teenager (as explained in the first movie). There are several sequences that show that, but the one that takes the price is when he and Abe Sapien get drunk while listening to Barry Manilow (!?!?!?!!!). Effects, makeup and the creativity to show that many characters (and the underground world that is hiding from us Humans) are the best. Reminded me a little of the Artemis Fowl’s universe.
I liked the movie a lot; the only “complaint” I have is that seems to me the ending was a little weak; I can only hope this was because there is a third movie on the works, but nothing has been “leaked” to the press, so I do not know.
Overall score: 8.5
And that’s the way it happened. By the way, since we are preparing for the road trip, I had been really busy lately and had not enough time to post more. I expect that to be corrected with the daily (hopefully) updates during the trip.
See you around.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Sex, lies and birthday cake.
We had a party to attend, a kid’s party to attend, a party to host and (without knowing it) an expo to visit.
The party that we attended was for Luly, the only comadre we get along with (of the three we have) and it was in Chulavista, CA. We headed there Friday night with the plan to return early and do not drink too much. We only got one of them; instead of returning at 10:00 pm, we stayed until midnight (Cinderella clock finally got us). We had a good time, meeting some old friends and somebody brought a guitar and we sang and laugh an awful (and awfully sometimes) lot.
Yesterday morning, we still had to buy the present for the birthday girl and also for Arqui (my brother in law) who was going to be in TJ for us to celebrate his upcoming birthday (that was the party we were to host). We did that and return on record time to TJ. Went to the new hotel in Otay, where, next to the swimming pool the party was prepared. Mediana and Pinka jumped into the pool and only returned when we told them we were leaving; Mediana wanted to stay overnight with Alex (the birthday girl) and Pinka wanted to stay with Naty (her best friend from school), but we were going to see Arqui, so no can do.
However, Pinka stayed for a while and went to another party with Naty and in return Naty stayed overnight with her at our home.
Arqui’s celebration was very quiet. He was sleeping around 7:30 pm, just before my brother (Nolo) and his family arrived. We eat Paella and cake and the special Jello my mother in law makes for celebration (it is soooo good; with strawberries and milk!). We did not think it was going to be that way. OK, I will stray away from the post here.
Bonita and her mother are most of times complaining about each other and the way the other approaches at things. In any case, Friday morning, my mother in law arrived at my house early and she was there when I was preparing breakfast. We started talking and then Bonita came down the stairs and started preaching her mom about being more independent and to do more things by herself, etc, etc. Finally, her mom slashed back and they were about to start fighting when I said to Bonita to let it go; which she did and decided not to make a big fuss out of it. On Saturday morning, my mother in law called to set up the party for Arqui; she then started assigning responsibilities for the party and my wife said; “we have a kid’s party to attend, we can not do anything except to allow the party to be at our home (because is the only place where all of us will fit)”. My mother in law immediate response: “I knew you would do something like this!” Bonita decided not to pick this fight and during the day I convinced not to call her mom about the party preparation; at the end, everything was OK and nobody hold any bad feelings about each other.
OK, back to the original post. Nolo and family arrived; and my sister in law then made a comment about passing close to the place where the Exxxpo Erotic@ was taking place and that she was curious about it. We jumped at the idea and told her to go with us; but finally they did not really want to go.
Bonita and myself were up to the task and we took off (at 9:30 pm) to see if we could get in and take a look. One time in my life, when attending a show in Vegas (Consumer Electronics Show) somebody in the group found out about this “side” show attached to the big one and it was related to the “Adult entertainment” part of consumer electronics. We visited to have a look and were not particularly surprised, neither shocked for what we saw. Nothing really to write home about (compared that to the infamous “Donkey show” that is supposed to take place in Tijuana), but nothing that cannot be told.
OK, we almost could not get into the parking lot. It was really packed! It took us 10 minutes to find a spot to park, another 15 to get the tickets (and they were expensive, 15 dollars each!) and once we got in, it was full of people.
I was glad to see many couples there, I was a little scared to find the usual suspects (single, nerdy or biker type of guys); but it was really OK. People very open, not judging anybody else in attendance and we even saw a group of “out and proud” with T-Shirts saying “Any other way”. They had an area showing some art (pictures, sculptures and even some models in body paint).

The funniest/scariest part of all, was when we were walking and talking about not meeting anybody we knew there and then the camera appeared in front of us and a microphone to ask us our opinion of the show. But we mentioned we were not us; so if you see us on TV, it weren’t us!
See you around.
So, what’s up Doc?

“Fleur” (Flower?) is visiting us for the weekend. Mediana and Pinka volunteered to take care of her for the weekend and return her safely to the French Alliance, where they are attending summer camp.
She is a vegetarian, does not make noise and gets on everybody good side, she has been making friend around here.

I even was tempted to ask “Tomate (Tomato)” (Mediana’s turtle) and “Fleur” to play their parts on the story of “The tortoise and the hare” but they did not want to compete for the star treatment.

“Lolo” (our dog) was really trying to get introduced to “Fleur” but I thought that it was maybe because he wanted to eat her. Not a good idea. Anyway, “Fleur” has had a good time here, jumping around in the “mini garden” we have at home and eating whatever vegetable we put in front of her. Bonita would love Mediana and Pinka to do that too!

See you around.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Atone, alone.
Anyway; I got “Hard Candy” and yesterday night we started watching it. We were so tired that we got asleep in the first half hour. We will give it another go tonight.
The last two days I was in San Marcos, CA. And yesterday my boss wanted to have a conversation with me; but he does not like to be in the factory (the one in San Marcos, he likes to be here in Tijuana; go figures). So, he invited me for an early dinner at a Thai food restaurant. We did not make it there; since there were two more people invited, one of them (KC the sales guy) suggested we should go to the St0ne Bistro, next to the brewery. I was on the freeway when they called me and gave me directions to the place.

I’ve been considering stopping by a number of times, but did not have the will to do it. The reason being, they have a really good beer. And if I stopped by I would drink some. And then I had to drive to Tijuana later, maybe not a good idea to drive in US with alcohol in your blood stream. But, as the Mexican saying goes: “when the Captain gives orders, the sailors follow them” (this is a very loose translation, but that is the meaning).

There we were. The place is really good; it has tables inside and big window doors that open to the patio and gardens. Really good environment, there were a couple of families there (5:00 pm) and everybody was quiet and enjoying themselves. I was amazed at the number of available beers they have (I counted 105; 32 on tap and 73 on bottle) and the variety of them and the fact they changed the beer menu in a daily basis (I asked and they changed only 1 to 3 beers on tap daily and also a limited number of the bottled ones; so if you like one you have a good opportunity to repeat). The food is good; the mac’n cheese is really good and the onion rings are amazing. Everything is organic or with the least amount of conservatives; which I think this is supposed to be good.
I had a couple of beers (I couldn’t help myself here!); a Cucapa Chupacabras Pale Ale (the tap handle pictured in the middle) and an Arrogant Bastard (they had Dogfish Head 90 Minute IPA on tap, but I was in control; could not let it happen; maybe next time!). And that was enough; I was tired (after the 10+ hours for each day on meeting) and didn’t want to risk myself a DUI or something like that.

In any case I headed home around 7:30, and by that time a lot of people were arriving carrying beach chairs and blankets, etc. Every Wednesday they have an event called “Late Night Movies” and people go and drink and watch movies in the garden! They were going to show “El Mariachi”. And then, the 12th anniversary party is coming (August 16th). It is a brewery meet, with food and beer tasting. You get a souvenir glass and the opportunity to try 10 different beers (is a 6 ounces glass, so overall you drink like 4 or 5 beers). I will be there again.
Well, today is a slow day; next week will be frantic (starting with the weekend; since my brother-in-law Arqui’s birthday is coming and we will celebrate Saturday or Sunday; I’m not sure now) and is month close week for us at work. But, vacations are a week away and we will surely enjoy them.
See you around.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
And my wife got "Hard Candy" yesterday. This is next in the watching list!
See you around.
Monday, July 14, 2008
When in doubt, keep your mouth shut…
OK, here come the reviews
Ellen Page rocks! Figuratively and literally. I do not know if they would have found a better actress to play the part; I believe that the main reason for her making it work is that she is not that known (I know she appears in “X-Men 3” and I want to see “Smart People” but not because of her). The story rocks! I also think Jennifer Gardner made a hell of an impression on the “expecting mom” character; I started to hate her for being so annoying. Which is exactly why I think she nail the role down. I enjoyed the movie; and the dad/stepmom interactions with Juno were really good. Not that I want any of my daughters to go through what Juno went, but I would like to think of me as a cool dad (like Mac McGuff). Overall score: 8.
As will mentions in his comment; there is a sense of unfulfillment. Too many questions without answers, I know this is based on a book by Steven Gould; and you can see for yourself what happen to good books when they are “converted” into movies. ‘Nuff said. Overall score: 6 (it is entertaining; and I got to know there is an interesting book around!)
Grace is Gone:
The parallels with my family are really interesting; both daughters’ characters mirror what I perceive Mediana and Pinka to behave at home. My wife loved it, but got asleep ¾ into it; I had to wake her up to finish the movie. In my case, I almost cried, but got over it and kept watching the film. Strong emotional story. I do not know if I would do the same in that case, but I had had to wonder, since my wife sometimes has an infatuation with the idea of dying. Overall score 8.5 (it is slow at the end; the scene between the dad and his brother really got to me).
Bonus review:
My Own Private Idaho!!!!
Finally I finished watching it; it was anticlimactic. After all the expectation and excitement I had going into it, I had to watch it at work (on my lunch time). The first hour (or so) was what I had seen before; the second part of it (what I missed the first time I set to watch it) was difficult to digest. I still will have a second look at it; this time I will watch it uninterrupted. Let’s see what happens; so far score: 8.
And this is all folks (for the moment!)
See you around.
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Good/Good Weekend
Every blue moon; I like to take a bath (on the bathtub we have in the second floor bathroom; I usually shower, but I was trying to relax today), today was the day; I prepare some “jamon serrano” and Manchego cheese, downed it with some beer and started reading “Mistress of the Art of Death”. I had an hour for myself to relax (which I did).
The weekend started in an alarming tone. Mi wife, because of her job was out of the house on Thursday afternoon, and “threatened” to return until midnight Friday. I was not happy; and on Wednesday night we discussed it (just the latest in a serial discussion we have every time she has to spend any personal time away from me because of her job). So I got mad at her and did not return her calls while she was away. She talked to my daughters and my mother-in-law; but when she returned on Friday it was her turn to be angry at me. We did not speak that night.
Saturday morning, Pinka started “investigating” why we were not talking to each other and then (prodded by her mother) decided to play Cupid to parents. I was downstairs and Bonita was upstairs, so Pinka started climbing the stairs up and down until she convinced us to start talking again. At the time, we were still feeling upset at each other and agreed not to hold it against each other, but also to wait until later to have the “serious” conversation.
The main reason of taking it lightly was to wait until tempers got to a safe level and the secondary reason was that Polaco’ sister in law was to be married and the party was Saturday night; and after all the anticipation (this had been on the works for over a year) we would not miss the event! Too much to gossip afterwards. So, we headed out shopping and got outfits for Mediana, Bonita and even I got a couple of shirts (I have this meeting Tuesday and Wednesday, so I have to look sharp, well sharper than usual ;^)).
When we returned, we called Vicky and learned that she was going to have lunch with the ex-boyfriend we like and we happily included ourselves in the plan. We went to this sushi place and had just something to nibble (we were not so hungry, since we had a late breakfast at the vegetarian place we like *); we had small talk with Vicky and her suitor and left early; to give them some space.
We took off to the wedding around 20:00 and were expecting the worst. Mary (Polaco’ sister in law) is not known for her taste and we were pleasantly surprised to see the good taste applied for all aspects of the wedding; except the number of people involved on the wedding (we counted 43 people showing up during the ceremony, like 4 ring bearers!). We had a good time; danced a little and drank a little (another sober night for me!!) and at midnight we returned home. We just missed on some fight within the groom’s family, but we will know the details later during the week.
Today was “Lazy Sunday”; we left early to try to pick some nice movies from Bl0ckbuster; we got “Juno” (liked very much), “Jumper” (something was missing), “Grace is gone” (OK, slow at time) and “Atonement” (**). Reviews will be posted tomorrow.
But after we watched the first three movies, Bonita and I started talking about what happened last week between us. After some back and forth accusations, we finally agreed that I do not like supporting her in this job because I do not like the way they treat her there; she is really interested in my job and we have to share and ask for what we want in a more clearer way (we were currently doing a lot of guesswork about what we wanted from each other); so I think we are doing better now. I told her I am really proud of the fact that she is well known and has an excellent reputation in the HR community and really want her to be happy doing whatever she likes to do (work, not work; change careers, stay in HR; ask for my help, do no ask; etc.) specially if she is happy about it.
So, after that I decided to take a bath. It was a stressful conversation, but not as stressful as I expected it to be. In any case I have been feeling a little winded up and needed to decompress; mission accomplished. Overall, it was a good weekend.
See you around.
(*) On a side note; we ran into our first "compadres" at the restaurante. This is a story I will write in detail later; now just know that we ended up not talking to them since 2002.
(**) My wife loved the movie; I have not seen it yet, tomorrow is the day. After that I will read the book; then I can put my two cents opinion on will and (s)wine's discussion.
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Good/Bad day
So, today, it is supposed to be a very good day, but something happened and I do not feel good; I have to respect Pinka’s birthday anyway. And because of that I will hold a couple of post that are screaming to be written (I may write them, but post them until tomorrow or over the weekend).
Have a nice day. See you around.
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Are you thinking what I’m thinking?
At first I was not really sure I wanted to see the movie. I was expecting a lot of stupid humor; but I was really surprised by two things: in comedy (as in many other things, [what a cliché]) timing is everything, and here the fast pace of the jokes makes them really enjoyable, I laughed out loud more several times; the second one was that only two or three jokes were non enjoyable (one of them was REALLY gross!).
I am giving the credit to the “Special Consultants” they had for the movie. They are the original writers of the series: Buck Henry and Mel Brooks (*). I am not really sure if they really participated in any aspect of this movie, but the writers and director really did a great job avoiding the typical error in comedy that is to wait to much for the joke to develop. In one of the sequences, Agent 23 (“The Rock”) is complaining about another agent for jamming the copy machine. After Agent Larabee dismisses this complain; a frustrated Agent 23 takes the stapler and then staple a paper to Larabee’s forehead. I did not see it coming and that is exactly what made it enjoyable.
Most of the jokes will develop and then the unexpected will happen; when I watched “Kung Fu Panda” I was able to tell my daughters what was about to happen prior to happening. Not this time.
Of course a lot had to do with the director going for the straight face joke and the actors running away with it; so special mention to Anne Hathaway (love her), Steve Carell (who is so enjoyable in “The Office”), Dwayne Johnson (The Rock), Alan Arkin (at time I was not sure if he was really acting or just playing along) and the four guys that stayed in the office (two nerds and two agents that had to stay; really good interactions).
The only other joke I will mention is the answer to the question appearing as title of the post. Smart (Carell) and his boss (Arkin) are driving though a golf driving range, and then crash with a shack that has a swordfish in one of the walls. They stopped in front of a small airport and then Smart asks his boss: “Are you thinking what I’m thinking?”
(End reading if you do not want to curse me later; of course if you already watched the movie or do not have plans to watch it do not worry about this)
The boss answers: “I do not know, Were you thinking; ‘Holy shit, holy shit, a swordfish almost went though my head’? If so, then yes”.
See you around.
(*) As comedy goes, I always liked Mel Brooks' movies. Particularly "History of the World, Part 1"; I do not why, just loved that movie.
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Who teaches the teachers?
My parents spent their entire career in public schools. Flor and Will teach in private schools. I’ve been around teachers my whole life. And regardless of public/private, elementary/college, etc. teachers are all the same anywhere. Well, related to the administration part of it.
My parents were strongly opinionated against the nepotism and corruption going rampant on the Teacher’s union; the most defining story about my father involves an election of representatives to the Teacher’s Union from the region my parents worked from. During the vote counting process my father noticed one of the counters trying to hide some votes. When announcing the results my father then stood up and said; “I think there is a mistake; let’s recount”. They did, in a more public way and whoever was trying to pull a fraud had to stop and recognize the right result. But trying to impose representatives and then trying to help only friends and all that was part of the “normal” way of doing things for those guys.
Now Flor is saying nothing has really changed in the public system. Union leaders do not care about the people they represent, only care about their own benefit and profit. Nothing new here.
The part that may be interesting is that in the private sector (where I also worked); you will see some similar things. Cliques and friendship will get the best of intentions and improvements. The school where Flor works is coping with people leaving the school because of the administration fighting the teachers. The teachers do not trust administration people and they do not help themselves because they do the same things they complain about; which is that people help only their friends instead of looking at the bigger picture. They got a new principal and administrator of the school; seems like he knows what he is doing this time, but they will suffer some reduction in the number of students.
When I worked at the college, we had similar issues. Administration positions will make almost twice the money a teacher would make. It was so ridiculous that it was better to have a part time, then complete the day with hourly wages in order to survive. I was there for almost five years and then left just before getting my seniority to become a “Profesor Titular” (kind of like tenured, but not exactly; you could still get fired).
Anyhoo. My point today was to ask about how teachers are being “upgraded” in their teaching methods. My mother was THE expert at Special education in the north of Sinaloa; same as my father now is one of the experts in teacher’s development. They stopped working with kids; they work (or worked in my mom’s case) with teachers. Ironically enough (or maybe not!!) teachers are more difficult to teach than students. They will refuse to apply the knowledge they get in the pre-lessons sessions; and then students will suffer. But at least Public Education System (SEP in Spanish) is still trying.
By the way, I wonder if Will has to go through this too (it is supposedly a requirement for ALL teachers ;^)).
See you around.
Saturday, July 5, 2008
I did not do it!!
Good times.
It did not start right. The French restaurant we loved is closed now. Fortunately, will and maria’s favorite restaurant is 100 meters from it; so we called and redirected ourselves to that place (Italian restaurant). Got there at 7:05 pm; and after the waiter was standing up in front of us for 30 minutes (starting at 11:30 pm) we took the hint and leave the place. I think these were the fastest 5 hours I’ve ever lived (not sleeping).
The food was good, the company and conversation were great. I only noticed today that I almost did not speak. Between Maria and Bonita and Will they took over the conversation and allowed me to do what I do best; listen.
We talked (well, they talked) about friends, personal history, work, blogs, daughters and sons, missed encounters (we had the opportunity to meet Maria some years ago, we worked in the same company and we have a lot of common acquaintances but it never happened) and how life goes around in circles.
Health, parent and parenting styles, future plans, I think we almost talked about everything (that is the impression I got) and then some. But it was cut short because the waiter wanted to go home; how rude of him! We could have stayed in the restaurant until this morning! We will go out again; but I think we better go out for lunch, that way we will have at least 11 hours to talk over!
See you around.
Movies again!
We watched the movie in Spanish, I have not seen the English version yet; but for all of you that do not know; Mexico has a really good dubbing industry (40-20 years ago it was even better), Telly Savalas was known to say that he really preferred his dubbed voice in the Mexican broadcast of Kojak (hear here as the Eagle’s voice); and the Flintstones and other cartoons (Count Duckula!) were really great; the Shrek movies were also really good and they made a really good work this time. Of course, saying “Pot-Belly Panda” in Spanish sounds really funny (is Panda Panzon, with the accent in the “zon” for the curious).
The story is also good; I agree to many of the things mentioned there; specially the “there are no accidents” bit, since is part of the family philosophy. We also had great laughs, made us almost cry and ended up with a good feeling overall. I will now get the English version to compare.
See you around.
Friday, July 4, 2008
Vacation time.
There had not been any phone call or e-mail. Basically I am sitting here, finishing some reports and some information people have requested for next week, so it is going pretty good. After a week where I was somehow stressed (work related) this is peaceful. I found out why I was being restless and why I got drunk last Sunday! Several reasons, many of them good and one of them that was the trigger (the stress!); then, if I can not say I will never do it again, at least I know what is going on (you know I am a control freak).
I will cut my day at work short and take the kids to the movies (Kung Fu Panda, anyone?). Go back home early and maybe read a little; I have not advance in two of the books I am reading, I got hooked back into Discworld and I am re-reading several of the books (Night Watch and Death series); but maybe I will continue with “The Viscount of Bragalonne” and “The Historian”. I also have pending adding books to my Goodreads account (I counted 234 books in my bedroom I have not catalogued, and I am still missing the hall bookcases and the kid’s bedroom). I have so many pending things to do that I am starting to feel bad about it (not enough to DO something about it, just feel it by now).
What is the reason why procrastinating is so easy? I am good at it (ask my wife), which sometimes does not bode well for my relationship’s wellbeing. At least I feel like something will be done later rather than sooner.
Tonight we will have dinner with friends, we expect a good time; is better to know is Friday and tomorrow we will not have to wake up early.
See you around.
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
What is the opposite of “hibernation”?
That has been the way I’ve felt for so many days. I start thinking about something to post and then when I get in front of the computer it goes away. I read something interesting (like this) and want to comment and I just cannot get myself to write the right comment (because OF COURSE it has to be the right comment!).
Finally I decided to give it a go. Let’s see where it takes us (yes, because you are reading this, aren’t you?)
I saw a really strange accident the other day. Well, it was more of a provoked car crash than an actual accident. This guy driving from the right side of the road, made a left turn in front of another car (cut him off?) and the second driver could not avoid him and crash (slightly) into him.
They then got off the cars and started talking and the first driver made a gesture like pointing out that the other guy cut him off previously… They were laughing and if it wasn’t because the cars were damaged I would have thought they were joking. They pulled their phones and started calling insurance (I think) but I was really intrigued. Of course I started to think about a post regarding “road rage”, but then I would have to accept that I am one of “those freaking drivers” that transform from somebody really nice (?) into a pushy, get-out-of-my-way driver. Well, I’ve got no patience for hesitant drivers. Once you start doing some maneuver you bloody finish it instead of stopping in the middle! But, let’s move away from this. It can end badly (for me!).
Pinka’s birthday party was another post (maybe still is, not at this moment). I was really surprised when only two of her classmates showed up for the party. We invited over 80 people, 40 showed up. Even in the informality we live in Mexico, when you get 50% of the attendance, I believe that is a new record low. I knew some of her friends from school went on vacation the previous day, but still there were many (I think) that could have gone. Special thanks to will and Maria that showed up with the kids and helped me out to consume the beers!
I got drunk (standard Mexican practice, you have alcohol at kids’ parties!) which also is another beginning for a post. I got drunk during my work’ summer picnic and now during Pinka’s birthday party. That is really unusual. I think my previous rate was once or twice a year. My wife is worried about me, actually I am a little worried about me… I am trying to find out a reason/cause/excuse for that to happen and I haven’t been successful yet. When I find the answer I’ll let you know.
Finally, the road trip. I kind of remember mentioning this. We will take a two weeks vacation; driving. We will go from Tijuana to Hermosillo; to Sinaloa; to Guadalajara; to the central part of Mexico (Guanajuato, Morelia, San Miguel Allende, Queretaro) and then return. The original plan was to get there quickly and then maximize our time in central Mexico. Now the plan is under review because we mentioned the trip to a friend from Los Cabos and we also mentioned that we would like to drive through the Baja. He then asked us why wouldn’t we do it this time. So we started taking times and investigating the ferry to La Paz and when we could take it and now; seems like we will return to Los Cabos and then drive back to Tijuana from there. It is a sketchy plan now, but if we pull it through we will have the opportunity to meet my new nephew (I have a brother living in Los Cabos) and see some of the prettiest beaches in Mexico. Let’s see what happens. (Red is for going and Blue is for returning in the map)
Well, we are at the end of today’s post. Only have to mention that today’s is (s)wine’s birthday and wanted to say “Felicidades!” to him.
See you around.