Here I am; after a really good weekend.
Every blue moon; I like to take a bath (on the bathtub we have in the second floor bathroom; I usually shower, but I was trying to relax today), today was the day; I prepare some “jamon serrano” and Manchego cheese, downed it with some beer and started reading “Mistress of the Art of Death”. I had an hour for myself to relax (which I did).
The weekend started in an alarming tone. Mi wife, because of her job was out of the house on Thursday afternoon, and “threatened” to return until midnight Friday. I was not happy; and on Wednesday night we discussed it (just the latest in a serial discussion we have every time she has to spend any personal time away from me because of her job). So I got mad at her and did not return her calls while she was away. She talked to my daughters and my mother-in-law; but when she returned on Friday it was her turn to be angry at me. We did not speak that night.
Saturday morning, Pinka started “investigating” why we were not talking to each other and then (prodded by her mother) decided to play Cupid to parents. I was downstairs and Bonita was upstairs, so Pinka started climbing the stairs up and down until she convinced us to start talking again. At the time, we were still feeling upset at each other and agreed not to hold it against each other, but also to wait until later to have the “serious” conversation.
The main reason of taking it lightly was to wait until tempers got to a safe level and the secondary reason was that Polaco’ sister in law was to be married and the party was Saturday night; and after all the anticipation (this had been on the works for over a year) we would not miss the event! Too much to gossip afterwards. So, we headed out shopping and got outfits for Mediana, Bonita and even I got a couple of shirts (I have this meeting Tuesday and Wednesday, so I have to look sharp, well sharper than usual ;^)).
When we returned, we called Vicky and learned that she was going to have lunch with the ex-boyfriend we like and we happily included ourselves in the plan. We went to this sushi place and had just something to nibble (we were not so hungry, since we had a late breakfast at the vegetarian place we like *); we had small talk with Vicky and her suitor and left early; to give them some space.
We took off to the wedding around 20:00 and were expecting the worst. Mary (Polaco’ sister in law) is not known for her taste and we were pleasantly surprised to see the good taste applied for all aspects of the wedding; except the number of people involved on the wedding (we counted 43 people showing up during the ceremony, like 4 ring bearers!). We had a good time; danced a little and drank a little (another sober night for me!!) and at midnight we returned home. We just missed on some fight within the groom’s family, but we will know the details later during the week.
Today was “Lazy Sunday”; we left early to try to pick some nice movies from Bl0ckbuster; we got “Juno” (liked very much), “Jumper” (something was missing), “Grace is gone” (OK, slow at time) and “Atonement” (**). Reviews will be posted tomorrow.
But after we watched the first three movies, Bonita and I started talking about what happened last week between us. After some back and forth accusations, we finally agreed that I do not like supporting her in this job because I do not like the way they treat her there; she is really interested in my job and we have to share and ask for what we want in a more clearer way (we were currently doing a lot of guesswork about what we wanted from each other); so I think we are doing better now. I told her I am really proud of the fact that she is well known and has an excellent reputation in the HR community and really want her to be happy doing whatever she likes to do (work, not work; change careers, stay in HR; ask for my help, do no ask; etc.) specially if she is happy about it.
So, after that I decided to take a bath. It was a stressful conversation, but not as stressful as I expected it to be. In any case I have been feeling a little winded up and needed to decompress; mission accomplished. Overall, it was a good weekend.
See you around.
(*) On a side note; we ran into our first "compadres" at the restaurante. This is a story I will write in detail later; now just know that we ended up not talking to them since 2002.
(**) My wife loved the movie; I have not seen it yet, tomorrow is the day. After that I will read the book; then I can put my two cents opinion on will and (s)wine's discussion.
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4 weeks ago
i await your take on the film version. you know mine. i will say this: in the brief appearance that she makes, Vanessa Redgrave is absolutely brilliant. She NAILS the role in the few minutes she has on screen. So wonderful to see such a pro in action; her scene possibly saved the ENTIRE film for me, although I'd never watch it again.
The thing "missing" from Jumper was a story - or at least a proper conclusion to the story.
The whole thing screamed sequel or pilot to a television series. Which was a shame because there was the bare bones of a (slightly) interesting film. However it left you feeling empty.
We have "Grace is Gone" somewhere around the house but neither of us has felt like crying for two hours, so we haven't put it in the player yet.
"Juno" is excellent.
And I'm not going to say anything about Atonement...oh, alright, you've forced me - poke your eyeballs out now! You'll thank me later :^)
[start rant] However, I am going to say (because it annoys me every time you say it): READ THE BOOK FIRST!!! You have got this totally the wrong way round! If a film is based on a book, then that is the medium you should enjoy it in. Sure, go see the film after but a book is a book is a book. [/end rant]
And now I'll breathe :^)
Oh, to add to the READ THE BOOK FIRST rant. Go read the comment on my blog from Frank Anthony Polito, about The Mysteries of Pittsburgh. The film will make no sense, no sense at all!!!
I know, I know and I know the book is always (?) much better than the film version.
The thing I have with books on film is that I really HATE the trashing some film writers give to the story and the characters on a good book; so if I read the book first then I will NOT enjoy the movie at all; I can not take them as separate entities. I would rather skip the movie if I already read the book; but most of time I can not help it and fall again for a futile expectation that "This time they will make it right". NO MORE!! Movies go first, then books.
And sorry to hear that but sometimes I am annoying; just ask my family! ;^)
Frank Anthony Polito... well he is right; the movie sucks!! (And I have not seen it!)
I can only think of one film version which far outshined (bad pun foreshadowing here) the book. That is Stanley Kubrick's take on "The Shining." Stephen King hated it. I can see that. Kubrick took a bad horror novel (come now, topiaries come to life? I'd be laughing rather than running if a damned bush giraffe attacked) and turned it into a modern day meditation on isolation and sanity/insanity.
But, but, but...I loved the book "The Shining". True, I was going through a whole I love Stephen King phase. I really enjoyed the book, honest.
That said, we now enter a different world - a world when the film is nothing like the book. Yes, the film was excellent but it had a different take on it to the book. Stephen King, I find, has a contract with the reader: suspend your belief about one implausible idea and then I will entertain you. The book asked you to suspend the idea of "shining" and then presented you with the consequences. The film ignored the basic idea of "shining" and really went to town on a "lost weekend" angle. The film was also impressive because of Nicholson and Duvall's brilliant performances (I have, at the back of my mind, an idea that Duvall lost an amazing amount of weight during the filming, comparable to Bale in The Machinist). Almost all other King books, that have been made into films, haven't worked at all. (And yes, The Shawshank Redemption was a short story and The Green Mile had Mr. Fat Face in it!)
All of that said, I have on my "to read" shelf The Prestige and Thank You For Smoking. Oddly enough, I am not expecting them to be as good as the films! Although, having read the blurb on the back of The Prestige, I get the feeling that there is a world of difference between the book and the film).
And has anyone noticed I am in an argumentative mood today :^)
Yes, you are.
I've never watched "The Shining" complete. I've watched parts of it; but never complete. I also have the book somewhere at home. I will watch the movie first and then read the book.
When I am annoying, I get childish about it! :^)
"L'amant" The book was fairly crap - OK, complete crap -, the film was a work of beauty. And that's as far as my toes will go into the pool of controversy.
Yes, I see the whole King-take on his own work. I was expecting something on par w/Kubrick's version. Kubrick has almost always taken something written and spun it his way. He's always dealt with the de-humanization of man in a tech. or isolated or "robotic" world, and The Shining is no different. I suppose I'm unable to suspend my biases when reading; it's really why i cannot get into that genre.
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