Also yesterday we went out with will and maria; 2 months ago I ran by accident into will’s blog and after I made a comment in there and a couple of stressful days (more for him and maria than us) everything was cleared and I started this blog. We finally met maria at the play and after they attended Pinka’s party we decided to meet for dinner.
It did not start right. The French restaurant we loved is closed now. Fortunately, will and maria’s favorite restaurant is 100 meters from it; so we called and redirected ourselves to that place (Italian restaurant). Got there at 7:05 pm; and after the waiter was standing up in front of us for 30 minutes (starting at 11:30 pm) we took the hint and leave the place. I think these were the fastest 5 hours I’ve ever lived (not sleeping).
The food was good, the company and conversation were great. I only noticed today that I almost did not speak. Between Maria and Bonita and Will they took over the conversation and allowed me to do what I do best; listen.
We talked (well, they talked) about friends, personal history, work, blogs, daughters and sons, missed encounters (we had the opportunity to meet Maria some years ago, we worked in the same company and we have a lot of common acquaintances but it never happened) and how life goes around in circles.
Health, parent and parenting styles, future plans, I think we almost talked about everything (that is the impression I got) and then some. But it was cut short because the waiter wanted to go home; how rude of him! We could have stayed in the restaurant until this morning! We will go out again; but I think we better go out for lunch, that way we will have at least 11 hours to talk over!
See you around.
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4 weeks ago
And, you stayed sober!! Even though there was a wonderful opportunity to blame "the foreigner".
Good times indeed :^)
Yes... but it will be more opportunities!!
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