...I’m only happy when is complicated. I woke up yesterday morning with this song on the Video Channel and also I heard it during my morning ride going to work. The name of the group is Garbage.

OK, we took off Tijuana at 4:00 p.m. going to Mexicali. The car was fully loaded and we were merrily in our way. I was trying to drive slower than normal (110-120 Km/h [70~75 Mph] when normal is 130~140 KM/h à 80~90 Mph) because we are not in a rush.

We stopped at La Rumorosa; to appreciate the view (some pictures here) and drove down to the Laguna Salada plain. I was passing a semi, when… (big dramatic pause here for effect) …Mediana said, “what is that noise?” I heard something strange and saw something flying back in the rear view mirror.

The freaking luggage carrier got open!!! I had loaded 4 luggage pieces (ours) and later my brother Nolo wanted to send some things to my sister and brother living in Sinaloa (for their kids) and I put them there. Seems like the carrier was a little overloaded and with the combination of wind, speed and load worked together to break it open. We lost the things my brother sent; my bag flew but it was unharmed.
Bonita freaked out!! Fortunately there were no weapons in the car so I am still alive. She wanted to go back to TJ immediately and start looking for planes to go somewhere else; Mediana and Pinka started to cry because after they were convinced by their parents to go on this trip. I finally calmed down everybody, close the thing and started driving to Mexicali at 80 Km/h (50 Mph). Got there and then our cousin Mexicali, gave Bonita a tequila (for the excitement, you know?). We talked, she vented, we did not agree to anything yet. I went out to buy some straps to close down better the thing and then decide what to do. I will keep you posted.
On a side note, “Mexicali” invited me to the Cucapa Brewery.
Arqui, Mexicali and me went there to try to have some Cucapa draft. They did not have any. They did not know the Chupacabras version so I had a “Chope” (from Modelo, which I thought is a “Negra Modelo” in a different name, but now I know otherwise). After Arqui had 4 beers (Cucapa Light) we said enough.
Mexicali and me went to eat tacos (first time I see a “Taqueria” closed and with Air Conditioning, but the temperature in Mexicali was really high).

I went to bed at 1:00 a.m. and I am now waiting to see if we take off for Hermosillo or back to Tijuana; I will let you know.
See you around.
OK, we took off Tijuana at 4:00 p.m. going to Mexicali. The car was fully loaded and we were merrily in our way. I was trying to drive slower than normal (110-120 Km/h [70~75 Mph] when normal is 130~140 KM/h à 80~90 Mph) because we are not in a rush.
We stopped at La Rumorosa; to appreciate the view (some pictures here) and drove down to the Laguna Salada plain. I was passing a semi, when… (big dramatic pause here for effect) …Mediana said, “what is that noise?” I heard something strange and saw something flying back in the rear view mirror.
The freaking luggage carrier got open!!! I had loaded 4 luggage pieces (ours) and later my brother Nolo wanted to send some things to my sister and brother living in Sinaloa (for their kids) and I put them there. Seems like the carrier was a little overloaded and with the combination of wind, speed and load worked together to break it open. We lost the things my brother sent; my bag flew but it was unharmed.
Bonita freaked out!! Fortunately there were no weapons in the car so I am still alive. She wanted to go back to TJ immediately and start looking for planes to go somewhere else; Mediana and Pinka started to cry because after they were convinced by their parents to go on this trip. I finally calmed down everybody, close the thing and started driving to Mexicali at 80 Km/h (50 Mph). Got there and then our cousin Mexicali, gave Bonita a tequila (for the excitement, you know?). We talked, she vented, we did not agree to anything yet. I went out to buy some straps to close down better the thing and then decide what to do. I will keep you posted.
On a side note, “Mexicali” invited me to the Cucapa Brewery.

I went to bed at 1:00 a.m. and I am now waiting to see if we take off for Hermosillo or back to Tijuana; I will let you know.
See you around.
Ah! Good times!
Things are supposed to go wrong on holidays - it makes you appreciate your home more. And losing someone else's stuff isn't a problem! It is someone else's :^) Anyhoo, I blame your brother for not shutting the thing properly.
My vote is for "onwards". Of course, I say that from the comfort of my own house and not standing in the middle of the road talking to Bonita!
You already know we did continue with the original plan. I can not say it was my brother's fault; but I should've made sure it was properly closed! Anyway, we are moving!!!
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