And my wife made sure I was aware of that. We just had an argument over this hotel conditions, she says is awful and I say is terrible.
Right now I've been labeled a cheapo, which I am (most of times); in my defense I did not fill the registration card, it was done when I noticed.
I have very fond memories of my vacations with my parents in here (Mazatlan in this hotel) where we usually spent the last night of our vacations, before arriving home. However, the place is not great; for Bonita's taste, is too much middle class (which it is) and we could've stayed in a better place (also true). But (big butt here) I had accepted to stay in other place, and it was until we call from the road to know there were no rooms in that hotel that Bonita said it was OK to come here. Now is not.
I'm upset, and I'm being childish enough to post this here before finishing the discussion, but if I say something is OK, I deal with the results, I do not make a big fuss about it (I might try to laugh about it without success, but I usually do not complain). Basically I'm not a cry-baby (there, I've said it!!)
See you around (if I survive! If you do not hear again from me, please call the police!)
Places to Visit
4 weeks ago
But isn't that always the way? We remember things from our childhood which were wonderful and then, when faced with them as adults, they just aren't as good.
Ho hum.
Yes, but I like to forget about that. I mean I want to remember the things the way I remember them (which does not mean they were like that!).
I had a good time overall in Mazatlan, even with the hotel situation!
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