Monday, July 14, 2008

When in doubt, keep your mouth shut…

This is an excellent advice; however, one I usually do not follow.

OK, here come the reviews

Ellen Page rocks! Figuratively and literally. I do not know if they would have found a better actress to play the part; I believe that the main reason for her making it work is that she is not that known (I know she appears in “X-Men 3” and I want to see “Smart People” but not because of her). The story rocks! I also think Jennifer Gardner made a hell of an impression on the “expecting mom” character; I started to hate her for being so annoying. Which is exactly why I think she nail the role down. I enjoyed the movie; and the dad/stepmom interactions with Juno were really good. Not that I want any of my daughters to go through what Juno went, but I would like to think of me as a cool dad (like Mac McGuff). Overall score: 8.

As will mentions in his comment; there is a sense of unfulfillment. Too many questions without answers, I know this is based on a book by Steven Gould; and you can see for yourself what happen to good books when they are “converted” into movies. ‘Nuff said. Overall score: 6 (it is entertaining; and I got to know there is an interesting book around!)

Grace is Gone:
The parallels with my family are really interesting; both daughters’ characters mirror what I perceive Mediana and Pinka to behave at home. My wife loved it, but got asleep ¾ into it; I had to wake her up to finish the movie. In my case, I almost cried, but got over it and kept watching the film. Strong emotional story. I do not know if I would do the same in that case, but I had had to wonder, since my wife sometimes has an infatuation with the idea of dying. Overall score 8.5 (it is slow at the end; the scene between the dad and his brother really got to me).

Bonus review:
My Own Private Idaho!!!!
Finally I finished watching it; it was anticlimactic. After all the expectation and excitement I had going into it, I had to watch it at work (on my lunch time). The first hour (or so) was what I had seen before; the second part of it (what I missed the first time I set to watch it) was difficult to digest. I still will have a second look at it; this time I will watch it uninterrupted. Let’s see what happens; so far score: 8.

And this is all folks (for the moment!)

See you around.


Anonymous said...

Hard Candy. Hard Candy! HARD CANDY!!

If you want to see Ellen Page at her finest watch Hard Candy. Yes, I realise that the idea of watching any film with the tag "paedophile" sounds abhorrent to a parent, and I will admit that I avoided this film for ages. But it is excellent and Ellen Page is fantastic!

Don't start me on X-Men 3! Tee-hee.

J.A. said...

will look for it (tomorrow is Tuesday and in Bl0ckbuster rent is at $15 pesos / movie!!)

Anonymous said...

Let's see...I will perhaps have to watch Juno one day, but that day ain't to-day. Seems like the more good things I hear about it, the more turned off I am. The subject matter is certainly not anything I'm interested in, as I probably have seen more than my share of films and documentaries on that. And the screenwriter, Brook Busey aka Diablo Cody not only is a mediocre writer (IMHO) of blogs and books, but is trying way too hard to become the female Hunter S. Thompson of this generation. She's a huge turn off and knowing that they gave her the Oscar for writing this film only pushes me away further. But, I suppose in the end, I will have to see this. Sigh... OR maybe not. Maybe I'll just absorb your reviews and be done with it. This way I don't waste 2 hrs. of my life.

Anonymous said...

Meant to say: Gus Van Sant is so over-rated. I practically loathe anything he's done, except Good Will Hunting. I watched Elephant and wanted to strangle Mr. Van Sant for robbing me of an hour and a half of my life which I'll never have back. And My Own Private Idaho was a huge bore, compounded by the fact that ANYTHING with Keanu Reeves makes me want to slowly poke out my eyes with sharp, hot irons.