Today it was Sobrina’s graduation “party” (luncheon in a big old house, French style) and tomorrow is Pinka’s birthday party (who surprisingly will have a “The Li0n K1ng” theme! But, I think the lion won’t be happy).
My mother is here, visiting her granddaughters; with a great effort from her since she was here three weeks ago during Patita’s presentation (in the church) and next Monday is my parents’ 40th wedding anniversary.
So is celebration over and over again.
A good change after I forgot to pay the kids’ tuition and my wife could not get the report cards on time (and she felt slightly ashamed because that happened in front of all the other moms; sorry!).
Too many things happened (and are about to happen) during this week; from the month-end-closing activities at work to the preparation of the presentation and parties on the weekend.
We also had our monthly therapy session (couples therapy) and in there my wife recognized that she dislikes our therapist. We are going to skip the next session (since we will be on vacation; road trip to Central Mexico and going back through the Baja! 2 weeks of driving, walking, talking to the family! It’s going to be great!!) and return to session last week of August; it will be interesting.
We closed the month at work really close to our target. My boss will be happy, and after reviewing the next two months schedule we are in a far better position for hitting all monthly targets and the quarterly target.
I am not as tired as I was at the beginning of the week and even though this week will start with tiring activities; I looked forward to next week. Mediana and Pinka will be at school on Monday (6th year graduation) and at the movies on Tuesday (a treat from the school, for the effort they made towards a great performance yesterday). On Wednesday we are planning to have them join a “summer camp” at the French Alliance (we are pushy parents and want them to start learning French) but we are not sure that will happen. In any case, I will be reporting what happens.
See you around.
(This picture has nothing to do with this post; it is that I forgot to mention that I saw it at the entrance of the customer I went to visit in North Carolina; I wonder if is some kind of hospitality sign there!!)