Being in the movie review business lately made me reflect back on a comment I made about trailer watching.
For Mexicans, I am not referring to transportation. I am referring to the movie advances you will see before the movie starts or before you get to the DVD menu.
When I go to the theater (sorry Will, but even though I had a couple of Englishmen as English teachers I got stuck with the American orthography) I want to be early, the reason being that if I am early I get to watch the trailers.
I know, all trailers look great (well… not all of them, but close enough); I have a hypothesis (I have not prove it) that can explain it: What you see on the trailer is a summary of the movie best scenes, usually in the wrong order; so when you get to see the movie you will feel “surprised” enough to still like the movie. Or maybe is just me.
In any case, I did not see any trailer for “Indy does the Crystal Skull” or “Narnia 2; Still kicking” which is interesting. Why, you ask? (Or maybe you don’t) I believe there are no accidents in life. I think that everything that happens is because, in sometimes a very convoluted way (to avoid sayin in a sick way), you look for it. I will get back to this, however in the movie section of my mind this means that I did not wanted to see the trailers for Indy 4 and/or Narnia 2 because I want to feel REALLY surprised when I see the movie; because YES, I WILL SEE THEM! and I WANT TO FEEL SURPRISED!! (even though I already read all the Narnia books and I expect Indy to do what he does usually).
Now, back to the “there are no accidents in life”.
This is really hard to explain when you suffered something catastrophic (it has happened to me already, ask me in person if you want to know; but, maybe you rather not) and I will take out the natural disasters of the equation, because that is just Earth trying to get rid of us.
But in any other event, whether is that you were in the wrong side of the city o you did not recognize the car moving sideways before it hit you or you did not shut up before the other guy start hitting you (or hitting on you, for some people it could be scarier if this is the case!); all those cases... even as we call them accidents... could have happened in a different way... when you do different things...
Let’s discussion begin!!! (yes, I am lazy today!!)
See you later.
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4 weeks ago
For me, it was the night I left the house after having an argument with Will. I was supposed to get Danny from a friend's home at 9, and she had called to ask if we could make it 10:30. In an effort to be "The Disney Parent", I said yes. So I left the flat at 10 after 10, in a rush, interrupting the argument, in floods of tears, because I had to get Danny. I never made it there. A taxi driver stopped in the middle of the speedway to shove a drunk man out of the back, who happened to be throwing up. The car ahead of me had no brake lights, and me? I was probably too upset to drive.
But I've written about this, and three or four posts after that. It's a very long story.
But there you go. If Danny had not called to be picked up later, or if I had said no, I would not have argued with will, I would not have been behind the car with no brake lights, and the drunken man would not be as drunk yet and would not be looking for a taxi for a good hour. Who knows? But. It did change things for Will and me. For the better. So there you go.
And yes, it is lazy posting. Write your story!
Yes, I will; bear with me.
Anyway, most of my "accidents" had been related to falls I had taken (being 6' of height makes for a hard fall!); three of them have left me permanent scars; but I have learned (after the third time!)
When I discovered that it wasn't butter!!!
I can't believe it's not butter!!!!
Hmmm, me thinks I'm not taking this that seriously :^)
Is anybody doing that? (taking this seriously)
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