OK; it passed.
The visitors came and went and nothing major happened. Except KC (who work in my company but is based in the US) was here with them.
He always give me a lift; he is a salesman (a damn good one! it is a good thing he for us and not against us) and bring potential customers every so often to Tijuana. He used to work as a bartender and has a knack of entertaining customers and to keep them close to him; he has developed several personal relationships with some/many/all of his clients that it is amazing to see how they hesitate before complaining when a business deal is not going well.
So, I am feeling better (just enough). I also sent emails to my ex-workmates at the university and to my parents and received several anwers already.
Me likes this blogging thing!!!!!
See you around.
Places to Visit
4 weeks ago
"OK, it passed."
...like a kidney stone.
i am not fond of visitors, myself. always sounds like a good idea, however. SOUNDS.
It's always stressful to have visitors at home. Especially if things aren't great, what with people forgetting to give money for petrol to their wife and whatnot [see what I did there?].
I'm glad it went well, though.
And I appreciate it certainly madam.
Yes, pretty close to a kidney stone passed; it could have been better, but at least it was not worse.
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