It is my birthday today!!!!
All the worries I had prior to this day have disappeared (at least for a while).
My parents call me, I had breakfast (did not walk this morning, I was tired, and it is MY birthday, I get a free pass today!!). On my way to work I remembered my driver’s license expires today, so I went to renew it, took me 15 minutes and the two girls in the office congratulate me on my birthday. I got an e-mail from my best friend (finally, May 23rd is not a bad date for him anymore, but in any case it is MY birthday; I get a free pass today!!). 
I got to work and after 20 hugs I got a taco of barbacoa (goat meat steamed with some herbs), a cake, and coffee (I know is too much, but in any case it is MY birthday; I get a free pass today!!). Vicky (my eldest daughter) got me this in our trip to Mexico City and count as a birthday gift.
And after that, I got this email:
“Dear Sir/Madam,
Going through our records, it came to our knowledge that the greatphilanthropist, Late Dr. Maurice Wohl, made a random selection of individuals(via email addresses drawn from 250 Countries on the internet index, who heexpects to continue in line with his selfless services to humanity. After a lot of blah, blah, blah… Please if I reach you this time as I am hopeful, endeavor to get back to me assoon as possible to enable me conclude my job. By replying to this e-mail, youwill have to update the form below so that I can contact you and also send youthe AFFIDAVIT FORM IN SUPPORT OF APPLICATION which would be completed by you andsubmitted by me to the Assets Management Firm for claims. 1. Full Name2. Complete Physical/Mailing Address3. Nationality 4. Date of Birth5. Occupation6. Phone/Fax Get back to me as soon as you read this e-mail so that we can proceed furtherwith remittance to you. My email address is included below. Thank you and have anice day.CHAMBER, UNITED KINGDOM”
All the worries I had prior to this day have disappeared (at least for a while).
The celebration started last night. I got a hotdog from Dogo's (best hotdogs in TJ; check #1 in this list; mmhh, mmhh, mmhh) that my wife sent my daughter to buy it. Then this morning I woke up to this song (See sidebar, my daughters know me so well), my daughters got me some presents and my wife gave me a card (we almost made up for the problem we had yesterday, not fully solved, but it is MY birthday; I get a free pass today!!).
My parents call me, I had breakfast (did not walk this morning, I was tired, and it is MY birthday, I get a free pass today!!). On my way to work I remembered my driver’s license expires today, so I went to renew it, took me 15 minutes and the two girls in the office congratulate me on my birthday. I got an e-mail from my best friend (finally, May 23rd is not a bad date for him anymore, but in any case it is MY birthday; I get a free pass today!!).
And after that, I got this email:
“Dear Sir/Madam,
Going through our records, it came to our knowledge that the greatphilanthropist, Late Dr. Maurice Wohl, made a random selection of individuals(via email addresses drawn from 250 Countries on the internet index, who heexpects to continue in line with his selfless services to humanity. After a lot of blah, blah, blah… Please if I reach you this time as I am hopeful, endeavor to get back to me assoon as possible to enable me conclude my job. By replying to this e-mail, youwill have to update the form below so that I can contact you and also send youthe AFFIDAVIT FORM IN SUPPORT OF APPLICATION which would be completed by you andsubmitted by me to the Assets Management Firm for claims. 1. Full Name2. Complete Physical/Mailing Address3. Nationality 4. Date of Birth5. Occupation6. Phone/Fax Get back to me as soon as you read this e-mail so that we can proceed furtherwith remittance to you. My email address is included below. Thank you and have anice day.CHAMBER, UNITED KINGDOM”
I need to ask Will about this. I think he already went through this…
Anyway, I got gifts, messages, and money; and it is only 9:00 a.m.!! So I will keep you posted about any other surprises. See you around, and you can hug me if you see me. (Because… in any case it is MY birthday; I get a free pass today!!).
Happy b'day!
Obviously I won't be hugging you because (1) I am English and (b) I haven't seen you and (III) just because it is your b'day there is no chance you get the opportunity to "feel me up" and claim, it's my b'day, I get a free pass!!!!
Re: the email. It is totally and utterly genuine!!! Believe me. However, I think that for you to benefit fully from this offer, you really need an intermediary - someone English, blond, blue-eyed. Oh, hang on, that'd be me! Please send me details of your bank account, your credit card number and your password(s), and I'll get right on the case!
Have a good day! All the best.
1) Damn!!! This was my opportunity; well maybe next time.
2) Great!!! Wait for my e-mail with that information!!
Thank you Will, I will (well, I'm J.A., but you know what I mean)
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