Hello all, we made it back safe and sound! Got back to Tijuana yesterday around 8:00 p.m. but I felt so tired that I only unloaded the van an went to sleep. This morning I checked on the blogs and saw a couple of new comments (nice to meet you (s)wine) and a question from Will. Did I like "Iron man" the same I liked "Definitively maybe"? I decided to answer with my review of the movie. but first I asked my family about it: my daughters and my wife liked it,my brother and mother in law (which went on their own to watch it) loved it.
A little background here: I lived in Guadalajara (central Mexico, Mexico's second city) for eight and a half years; I attended college there and stayed working as a college teacher for almost five years. When studying I had to attend a couple of courses unrelated to Engineering (I have a BSEE) and one of them was "Cinema appreciation" (in 1987) and several years later (1993) I found myself alone in the city and to fill my Saturday mornings decided to attend an "advance" course of the same (I learned to appreciate my time on Saturday mornings more and to love Peter Greenaway movies!!). So, every time I go to the movies I could use the critical eye I "developed" during those lessons or (as usually happens) just sit down and drop my expectations to the point where if I do not get sleepy with the movie then it's considered to be OK. I had almost left a movie once in my life ("Salo, 100 days of Sodoma and Gomorra" by Pier Paolo Pasolini, not for the faint of heart) and actually left a theater twice (one with some friends in Guadalajara, when they became offended by the homosexual theme of "My own private Idaho" and one in TJ with my wife when they call her from her work because of an emergency). Then my opinion of a movie could be very optimistic.
"Iron man" got me entertained for the duration. Then gets the "it's OK" treatment. But, I would have to complain (and if you have not seen it read lightly because I might spoil it for you) that if you see the trailer you almost saw the movie. Because you "know" what will happen (if you are a comics' follower) and therefore there are not much surprises.
Now applying the critical eye: Robert Downey Jr. gives a very good performance; you can not say the same of Gwyneth Paltrow or Terrence Howard, Jeff Bridges is so-so (he is a believable villain). But I think that, considering the small amount of effects the movie has, acting should have been more important. There is no "click" between Paltrow and Downey Jr.; and the friendhip between Howard and Downey Jr. is close to nothing. The script is just enough, the music gave me nothing (I saw "August Rush" a month ago and I got to know Kaki King from there!) and the camera work was adecuate.
The one thing I liked was to have all these actors in the movie. With Edward Norton as Hulk (coming soon!!) and the teaser scene at the end of the "Iron man" you can expect at least some buzz regarding comic-to-film transformations. Let's hope is going to be more than OK.
See you around.
b. Lists
1 day ago
Ah, so we agree. Yes, I loved RD,Jr's performance, but for the love of god could that "we're so going to kiss moment" have looked any faker?
And so but there you go. I had never met anyone who actually had studied Film Appreciation. Although plenty of my friends wanted to. And probably me. But then life happens and you do something else. I think it's brilliant that you did it.
I loved "My Own Private Idaho". Shame about your friends. One can miss out on so much because of prejudices.
Do you know the worst part of not seeing MOPI complete? That after 14 years I had failed to see the movie. I looked for it in all the movie rental places I've ever been and nothing. But I have not decided to go after it on Am@zon or somewhere like that.
Ah, but if you are looking for a comic-to-film adaptation, look no further than "Batman". Much as we lurve Ed Norton, the equation goes:
Christian Bale + Ed Norton = cinematic gold!
I really liked Michael Keaton as Batman (loooong time ago); I have to confess that when I saw Christian Bale in Batman Begins I was not so convinced. Now with the Joker in The Dark Knight (coming soon!!) I think it was more of an issue with the wrong villain (and I like Liam Neeson).
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